At our show at Garuda Mall in Bangalore on 26 September, 2009 we closed the loop we began with the show atTwestival Bangalore two-weeks earlier. Our intention was to announce to the world what we’d managed to accomplish for Dream-A-Dream Foundation, the charity that helps kids from vulnerable backgrounds. About 120 people showed up, almost all of whom were Twitter users, all furiously live-tweeting about our show!
This video is courtesy Jamillah Knowles of the BBC, who happened to be at the event. She wrote about how Social Media is impacting the real world. You can read it here. News9, Bangalore’s English news channel featured Twestival as well. You could watch the clipping, too.
As we got into ‘Ee Bhoomi’ we said it – and were really pleased to do so. INR 30,000 towards the cause of Dream-a-Dream. It may not seem like a lot of money to you, but the fact remains that ‘boond boond se sagar banta hai‘. It is the droplets that make the ocean. ‘